My name is Elena Beimborn. After a few years hiatus from crafting due to life getting in the way. I decided to rekindle my love for all things crafty at the end of 2017. With nowhere near enough time to indulge myself, finding myself procrastinating when I did have time , and encouragement from my fabulous neighbour Ros Fretwell, I decided to put an Invitation to Create in the local Newsletter to find like minded artists and craftspeople.

After a very positive response, two meetings, numerous cups of coffee and homemade cake, North Norfolk Creative was formed in January 2018.

Currently standing at 8 members and growing. We have an eclectic mix of jewellers, painters, textile artists, upcyclers and photographers. We strive to maintain a high standard of craftsmanship in whatever medium we are working in.

Our aim is to support artists and crafters local to the North Norfolk area by encouraging the sale and exhibition of members handmade items. We very much like to support younger members who are new to the scene.

Two events are held annually in the village of Aldborough, Norfolk to showcase crafters work. At our Makers Market you get to meet in person all the unique creators, makers, designers, & artists that make up North Norfolk Creative.

Browse, discover, and shop our handcrafted products in a relaxed environment.
Socialise and relax with a cup of tea and homemade cake.
Bringing local craftspeople and the community together

Take a look at our events page to find out more. Hope to see you there!